Where In the World Is Santa?

Right now is Santa’s busy season, and currently he’s keeping the elves hard at work making toys and prepping his reindeer for the big night. How do we know that? Not movies or tv, that’s for amateur’s, we use a Santa tracker of course! Not only can you see what’s happening in real time on most of them, but on Christmas Eve you can follow the big guy on his journey around the world, and even find out when he’ll be in your zip code. Our three favorite trackers differ in what they offer as far as interaction, games and contact, but on the big night they all follow Santa on his journey, and that’s the most important feature! The Norad Santa Tracker is probably the most basic and well known of our top 3, it has a website and an app so you can stay on course all night Christmas Eve. If you want a little more interaction with games and features that continue all year you should check out the Google Santa Tracker, but if you’re really serious about some tracking, head to SantaTrackers.net. Santatrackers.net is run by the North Pole Flight Command and you must be an elf to become a tracker. You have to fill out an info form to become an elf and gain access, but after you’re signed up you get to attend Elf University and become the real deal. It’s serious business this Santa tracking! All in all, whatever level of commitment to tracking you take, seeing the sparkle of amazement in your child’s eyes is THE BEST PART OF ALL!  Enjoy!

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